Help Neville Get His Back Surgery

Help Neville Get His Back Surgery

From Kaylee McGurthy

I'm trying to raise money to cover the cost of my therapy dog, Neville's, back surgery. He slipped a disk in his back and both of his back legs are paralyzed. The surgery will allow him to spend more time with me.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #8

Here he is, post surgery yesterday. The vet said he had a bit of a fever last night, but that it was a pretty normal occurrence after surgery. They did an x-ray just to make sure he didn't have pneumonia, which he doesn't. The vet told us that he had feeling in both of his back legs, which is great, because we were worried he might have lost it permanently. They say he should be able to come home on Sunday. Thank you so much everyone who has donated, shared, and/or prayed for us. It means so much to us

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #7

We just got a call from the doctor who operated on Nev. He came out of the surgery well and had no problems waking up from anesthesia. She said that the way his disc ruptured was very strange. It apparently ruptured straight up into his spinal cord. She said that usually, the ruptured disk will go to one side or the other of the spinal cord, but his was in the middle. She said that because of this, he may get a bit worse tomorrow, before he gets better. Please continue to pray for his recovery. My mom and I will be going back home tomorrow, as Nev will have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Thank you so much everyone for your support ❤️

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #4

We are in Tacoma Washington. Neville was seen by the neurologist, as well as another emergency vet last night. He is in the ICU at this new clinic, with IV fluids. They should be doing an MRI this morning, and hopefully surgery this afternoon. Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts. The picture is from yesterday during our drive to Tacoma. He was alert and fiesty, barking at other dogs and trying to move around. He's a strong boy.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #4

We are in Tacoma Washington. Neville was seen by the neurologist, as well as another emergency vet last night. He is in the ICU at this new clinic, with IV fluids. They should be doing an MRI this morning, and hopefully surgery this afternoon. Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts. The picture is from yesterday during our drive to Tacoma. He was alert and fiesty, barking at other dogs and trying to move around. He's a strong boy.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #4

We are in Tacoma Washington. Neville was seen by the neurologist, as well as another emergency vet last night. He is in the ICU at this new clinic, with IV fluids. They should be doing an MRI this morning, and hopefully surgery this afternoon. Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts. The picture is from yesterday during our drive to Tacoma. He was alert and fiesty, barking at other dogs and trying to move around. He's a strong boy.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #2

We are in Tacoma Washington. Neville was seen by the neurologist, as well as another emergency vet last night. He is in the ICU at this new clinic, with IV fluids. They should be doing an MRI this morning, and hopefully surgery this afternoon. Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts. The picture is from yesterday during our drive to Tacoma. He was alert and fiesty, barking at other dogs and trying to move around. He's a strong boy.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #2

We are in Tacoma Washington. Neville was seen by the neurologist, as well as another emergency vet last night. He is in the ICU at this new clinic, with IV fluids. They should be doing an MRI this morning, and hopefully surgery this afternoon. Thank you so much everyone for your support and thoughts. The picture is from yesterday during our drive to Tacoma. He was alert and fiesty, barking at other dogs and trying to move around. He's a strong boy.

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Kaylee McGurthy posted a new update:
over 3 years ago

Update #1

Thank you so much to everyone who had donated. It means more to me than you will ever know. As of right now, we are driving to get Neville from one vet's office to take him to another one, with a neurologist on hand. This new vet is in Tacoma Washington, so we will be taking a road trip. I will update here when we hear what the neurologist has to say. Again thank you all so much.

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Helen Hopkins commented with a $20 donation:
about 3 years ago
Hope this helps
Jordanna Zeigerman Morris commented with a $35 donation:
about 3 years ago
Hoping that he will be up on his feet soon. Take care of that beautiful boy and yourself. Hugs to you and your Mom.
Amanda Elder commented with a $200 donation:
over 3 years ago
Love you get better Nev!
Codi Martin commented with a $35 donation:
over 3 years ago
Sending lots of love.
Pablo Viloria commented with a $50 donation:
over 3 years ago
Faith Mcgurthy commented with a $30 donation:
over 3 years ago
Prayers for the fur- baby