Disastrous Crouch Rocket Journey

Disastrous Crouch Rocket Journey

From Verinica Pearson

I am a mother of 5 asking for support for my family. We have suffered a huge tragedy. My husband was in a horrible motorcycle accident. I'm doing everything I can to keep our head above water.

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Hello, my name is Verinica, and I am a mother of 5 asking for support for my family. We have suffered a huge tragedy this year and I'm doing everything I can to keep our head above water.

To give more details you may have seen that my Fiancé was in a horrible motorcycle accident on March 18th, 2023. He was heading to the 1-year memorial of a 20yr+ friend, while getting on the crosstown the lane began to merge and the car beside him forced him off the road. He tried his best to keep control of the bike, but he couldn't, according to the crash report he flipped 3 times landing face down on the shoulder. He was rushed to the nearest trauma center where he was worked on for about 7 hours, in that process he lost his right leg (below the knee), a broken left leg, a broken pelvis, broken left elbow, and left hand split in 2, no head trauma that had presented yet. The next 24 hours would be a challenge, the muscle in his left leg died and we were faced with the options of his leg or his life. They cut his left leg above the knee and things seemed to be stabilizing until he began to have kidney failure and high blood pressure. Within the next few weeks, he went in and out of surgery 13 times. 22 days post-accident I noticed that his speech was delayed, and he was seeing things that wasn't there, they ordered a CAT scan and they noticed that he had a brain bleed. Due to the brain injury, he began seizing.

Thankfully, he is alive and home now, and we are trying to put our family back together. Now that he is home, he requires full support which I have been trying to get and give. The road to recovery will be long, physically, emotionally and financially. We are faced with the overwhelming task of rebuilding our lives. As we navigate through this difficult time we have to deal with the challenge of reconstructing or home and rebuilding our lives to what our new normal will look like. He was the main provider and with this tragedy we are currently at risk of losing our home. It is my goal to get my family back to some form of normalcy as best as I can following this horrible accident...especially, as we go through the holiday season. Please help as I work to restore balance in our lives all while trying to focus on my 5 children and keep their lives as normal as possible. Trying to get them to understand has been extreemly difficult since i am still trying to get some understanding myself.

This Gofundme was created to help with medical bills, food, everyday essentials and monthly bills while I try to secure a second income. My kids have had the hardest few months, and I can't add onto that by completely displacing them. We have lost so much thus far we can't lose our home too.

Thank you so much for all the love and support.

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