Albany Pop Warner Football and Cheer

Albany Pop Warner Football and Cheer

From Rebecca YiVargas

We're launching a fundraising campaign to assist these kids with cost associated with the season and possibly travel expenses to nationals.

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Dear Friends,

I want to share with you a story of triumph and resilience, one that truly embodies the spirit of our community and the boundless potential of our young athletes.

 Last year, our teams at Albany Pop Warner Football and Cheer achieved something truly remarkable – they became the New York State Champions in their respective divisions. The dedication, perseverance, and sheer passion they exhibited propelled them to victory, and we couldn't have been prouder of their accomplishments.

 Their success didn't go unnoticed. Our teams were extended a prestigious invitation to compete at the national level, an opportunity that would allow them to showcase their skills on a grand stage and represent our community with pride. It was a dream come true for these young athletes, a chance to shine brightly and leave a mark on the national stage.

 However, amidst the excitement and anticipation, we faced a harsh reality: financial constraints stood in the way of our teams' journey to nationals. It was a devastating blow, knowing that our athletes, who had poured their hearts and souls into their training, might have to forfeit their chance at national glory due to lack of funds. 

That's why I'm reaching out to you today. We're embarking on a fundraising campaign to ensure that our talented young athletes have the opportunity to compete at nationals next year. Your generous contribution will make a world of difference in covering the costs of travel, accommodation, registration fees, uniforms, and equipment – everything they need to make their dreams a reality.

 These young athletes aren't just players on a field; they're beacons of hope, symbols of perseverance, and embodiments of the power of community support. They've dedicated countless hours to practice, pushing themselves to their limits, all while fostering a sense of teamwork and camaraderie that extends far beyond the game.

By supporting our fundraising efforts, you're not just helping to send a team to nationals; you're empowering a group of determined young individuals to continue pursuing their passions, overcoming obstacles, and reaching for the stars. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a profound impact on their journey.

Together, let's ensure that Albany Pop Warner Football and Cheer has the resources needed to give our athletes the opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you for your generosity, your belief in the potential of our young champions, and your unwavering support for our community.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Rebecca YiVargas

The Sevens Group Resource Center Inc &

Albany Pop Warner Football and Cheer

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