A Cry for Help, Losing Everything

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We have all encountered obstacles and difficulties in our lives, whether it's losing a loved one, going through a tough breakup, experiencing job loss, or dealing with illness and emotional struggles. When challenges arise, they can disrupt anyone's life, regardless of their background or level of preparation and that is exactly what has happened to me.

I believed I was ready for any challenges that might come my way because I did everything you were supposed to do. I had a great full-time job, had put away some savings, bought a home, and didn’t take on more debt than I could comfortably manage.

Unfortunately, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced our country into lockdown, I, like everyone else, encountered obstacles that no one could have anticipated. My once full-time job of six years was ripped out from under me as businesses everywhere shut their doors for good and the financial security I thought I had quickly disappeared.

I, of course, immediately began job hunting but in a country where thousands of businesses did not survive the pandemic and were forced to close their doors forever, and millions of others who lost their jobs also seeking employment at the time, the opportunities were next to nothing, and the competition was fierce.

But I never gave up. I job-hunted every single day and used my savings to cover the mortgage, groceries, and utilities for as long as I could but eventually, I had to rely on my credit cards which once had a zero balance. Everything began to pile up so quickly. The bills just kept coming and now with interest payments on the cards…I feel as though I am stuck under a mountain of debt with no signs of a way out.

 Thankfully, after 8 months of trying to find a new job, I have now secured gainful employment after accepting the first job offer I received. But with a commute of 3 hours, each way, every day and the bills continuing to pile up, the road forward is not an easy one which has led me here today.

This is actually incredibly challenging for me to have to seek outside support but in all honesty, I don’t know where else to turn. Despite my excellent credit rating, banks declined my personal loan application due to my high debt-to-income ratio and with interest continuing to multiply on the credit card funds I had to use to survive…I am struggling to keep my head above water and recover from this situation. 

Today, I humbly reach out for your help in navigating through this overwhelming financial burden. Your kind donations will be solely allocated towards settling my credit card debts and interest. This support will enable me to start rebuilding my life without worrying about trying to pay off the debt and cover essential expenses like utilities, gas, food, and my mortgage.

The idea of just one day without the stress of trying to decide between keeping the lights on or paying the debt off would be a blessing I can’t even put into words. Your donations, no matter how big or how small, will make a massive difference in my emotional state, my stress levels, my security, and my life in general and I cannot thank you enough for your generosity.

Please take the time to share my campaign with your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to help spread the word because we all need help at some point, and no matter how hard it is for me to have to ask, I cannot do this alone.

 Thank you and bless you all!

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